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Why can't you make wine in plastic jars?

It is not advisable to store wine in plastic jars for too long, otherwise the plastic will decompose and produce carcinogens.
Plastic bottles are only used for turnover. After arriving at the destination, it is best to pour it from the plastic bottle into the glass bottle and seal it well. Long-term storage of plastic bottles is definitely not good, the sealing is not very good, and the wine spirit is easy to dissolve harmful substances. It may have some effect on the taste.
It is not difficult for friends who are careful in daily life to find that the wine we often drink is usually not packaged in plastic bottles, especially wine is not seen in plastic jars or jars, then let’s learn together, why wine is Not in plastic bottles.

First, according to the current market analysis, most plastic tanks are mainly made of polyethylene. Polyethylene is an organic compound with the characteristics of strong stability, low water permeability, weak air permeability, insoluble in water at room temperature (not more than 75 degrees), strong plasticity and low cost. The monomer of polyethylene is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. Experiments have shown that if wine is stored in polyethylene plastic tanks for one year, polyethylene can be dissolved in a large amount of alcohol, and people will experience dizziness, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and memory loss after drinking this wine. lead to anemia.
At present, the plastic cans that can be used to store wine are PET (polyester) plastics. Although they can be used to store wine, their airtightness is not as good as that of glass jars, and they are not suitable for long-term storage.

Additionally, when polyethylene is made, "plasticizers" are added, which can increase the plastic's flexibility and durability. Plasticizers are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. Therefore, liquor, beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages cannot be packed in plastic cans.

Secondly, because the wine contains organic ingredients such as alcohol, and the plastic in the plastic tank belongs to organic substances, these organic substances are harmful to the human body. According to the principle of similar compatibility, these organic substances will dissolve in the wine, and when people drink such wine, they will also be These toxic organic substances are ingested into the body, thereby causing harm to the human body.

In conclusion, plastic canned beverages are entirely possible, but wine is not. Otherwise, the quality of the wine will be reduced and the health of those who drink it will be affected. Of course, this is not absolute. If it is temporarily filled with wine, there is no problem, but it is not conducive to long-term wine storage, which will affect the taste of wine. Therefore, glass jars are generally used to ensure the taste of wine.