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What does PET on plastic jars mean?

What does PET on plastic jars mean?

PET is polyethylene terephthalate and the code number 1 is marked on the bottom of a plastic bottle or in the middle of the triangular recycling symbol on other plastic products, indicating what plastic the product is made of. If the mark is 2 for HDPE high density polyethylene, 3 for PVC polyvinyl chloride, 4 for LDPE low density polyethylene, 5 for PP polypropylene, 6 for PS polystyrene, 7 for polycarbonate.
Plastic products made of different materials of plastic have different uses. For example, water cups made of PP are resistant to high temperature and can be heated in a microwave oven, but others cannot, otherwise harmful substances will be produced. For example, high temperature of No. 6 PS will release carcinogens.