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What kind of knowledge introduction does PP Jars have?

PP jars are plastic bottles that have a slightly conical shape. They are made using an injection moulding process. The injection moulding process is known for its precision and flexibility of materials. During the process, thermoplastic PP pellets are fed into a hopper, and are heated in a barrel or by a screw shear. The injection moulding process also allows for the creation of frosted surfaces on PP jars.

PP jars have excellent chemical and heat resistance, making them ideal for a variety of uses. They can be used in hot fill applications, and also help preserve the freshness of foods. PP jars are also a popular choice for the pharmaceutical and personal care industries. They are also very lightweight, so they can be used in many applications.

PP is recyclable through curbside programs, but only about 3% of PP products are recycled in the US. After recycling, PP is often made into brooms, brushes, and other products that are safe for reuse. Recycled PP is used in construction, landscaping, and other industries. Some global brands are investing heavily in industrial applications for PP.
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is an eco-friendly, durable plastic that does not release harmful chemicals when used for food storage. PP is recyclable, but it is not as widely accepted as PETE. Polypropylene is also strong and resistant to high temperatures.