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How Much Shampoo Should I Use Per Wash?

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There are a lot of factors that go into how much shampoo you should use per wash, including your hair length and texture. Recommends a nickel-sized dollop of shampoo for fine hair, and a quarter-sized dollop for thicker textures.

If you're a frequent shower user, it can be tempting to apply the same amount of shampoo every time you hit the sink. But experts say that's probably not the best idea if you want to maintain healthy, nourished hair.

"Shampoos are designed to clean hair, but not using enough can counteract their cleaning power," explains dermatologist Angela Lamb. She adds that shampoo traps sebum, the oil that hair produces naturally, and can cause your scalp to produce even more oils to compensate if you don't wash your hair often enough.

It's also important to start your shampooing process by focusing on the scalp instead of the hair. Spending three minutes on the scalp helps remove dirt and build-up that collects there.

You'll also need to rinse your hair well if you want it to be shiny and fresh. A quick 15-second rinse is a good rule of thumb, but it could take longer for you to completely get rid of all the product residue.

Some people might be able to go a few days without washing their hair at all, depending on their hair type and lifestyle. For those with fine or thin hair, that may be necessary to prevent breakage and dryness. However, for those with thicker or curly hair, washing once a day is typically enough to keep your strands looking and feeling healthy.