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Will the cosmetic packaging in the future be plastic bottles or glass bottles?

Who will control the ups and downs of cosmetic packaging materials in the future? Glass is still plastic? In recent years, the cosmetics market has expanded rapidly. Driven by the strong growth of the cosmetics industry, the cosmetic packaging material market has also become smaller and smaller like a snowball. There is a situation in which the two powers of glass and plastic are competing for hegemony. In the future, who will rise and fall?

For a long time, glass has been packaged to ensure that its ingredients remain intact and maintain product integrity because of its inertness and easy penetration. Therefore, in the impression of consumers, beauty products packaged in glass reflect the quality of the product, and glass packaging represents luxury. It is precisely because glass conveys the message of high quality, purity and product protection that glass is basically in the "leading boss" position in the cosmetic packaging industry, especially in the high-end cosmetics market such as perfume, which is basically in a monopoly position.

However, when the reporter visited the market, he found that people in the industry are not optimistic about the future of glass in the cosmetic packaging material market. Chen Jun, deputy general manager of Huayu Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., told reporters, "From the perspective of the entire cosmetic packaging material industry, glass bottles have always been in the mainstream position in recent years, and this position may continue to continue in a very short period of time in the future. However, it is an indisputable fact that plastic materials will gradually replace glass. This is a slow process, from quantitative changes to qualitative changes. Before, glass can occupy 80% of the market share of the entire cosmetic packaging materials, and other materials packaging materials Accounting for 20%, the market may evolve in a few years as the share of glass drops sharply to 50%, and plastics rises by 40%, so other materials such as metal and paper will occupy 10% of the market share.”

The glass material still has the advantage that other materials cannot replicate in the long term, and the hand feel and texture are not good, but its shortcomings are also very noticeable. "A very slight defect of glass is that it is very complicated for low temperature, so the temperature difference between east and west in our country is relatively small, and it is very difficult for glass bottles to freeze and crack after the cosmetics from the north are transported to the north. glass bottle."

At the same time, high-end skin care products previously monopolized by glass bottles are gradually using acrylic with better and better performance, but the low cost of acrylic also limits its application to high-end cosmetics.
Glass is an energy-intensive industry, and the government has now strengthened its control over the glass industry. A very significant example is the government's strict control over the approval of glass manufacturers. Not only that, there are also many problems in the use of glass bottles, such as the need to use manual cleaning after use, and the disposal of waste products after use. "Lin Weiguang, general manager of Shanghai Geyang Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd., told reporters.

Therefore, Huaxing Glass, a manufacturer of cosmetic glass packaging materials, does not agree with the statement that glass is gradually declining. Li Jinhui, general manager of the cosmetics sales department of Huaxing Glass Co., Ltd. believes, "Now Huaxing Glass Cosmetics packaging materials orders are still growing continuously. Especially in the application of skin care products, because the texture of glass is very eye-catching, plastic and other materials are very easy to surpass, if the texture of the product can reach the same level of glass.” Therefore, regarding the remarks that plastics will replace the status of glass materials, Li Jinhui told reporters that no matter how the cosmetic packaging industry develops in the future, glass will occupy a place.

The strong rise of PET plastic
Regardless of the decline of glass materials in the cosmetics field, it will continue to expand, but the strong rise of plastics is beyond doubt. Lin Weiguang told reporters, "Plastics used to be difficult to use in cosmetic packaging materials, but now they are more and more favored by finished product manufacturers. It is also increasing at a rate of doubling every year. The application of plastics in cosmetic packaging materials will be more common, and will rise rapidly in three years. It should be said that plastics replace glass as cosmetic packaging materials. It is the general trend. In recent years, PET resin has been used in cosmetics. The rapid development of packaging materials will accelerate the transformation of plastics to replace glass to a certain extent.”
It is understood that, driven by the continued prosperity of the cosmetics market, a large number of new materials have become the new favorites of the packaging material market in recent years, and PET plastic is one of the best. PET is the abbreviation of polyethylene terephthalate oligomer. Because it can make up for many defects of glass material, it is very popular among finished product manufacturers. For example, its material is quite slow compared with glass, and its transportation cost is high. Cryopreservation requirements. In addition, Chen Jun also told reporters, "The threshold of PET plastic is not low, and its production equipment can invest several hundred thousand yuan. Because of the popularization of technology, the production cost of PET bottles has dropped rapidly. At present, 1000ml glass bottles and The price of PET bottles is about 0.9 yuan, so the cost of glass is getting lower and lower after spraying and frosting."

The rise of PET plastic is not achieved overnight, Lin Weiguang told reporters, "Plastic was synonymous with low-end products before, this impression still exists, but the change of consciousness has gradually been seen in high-end products, and some high-end cosmetics have begun. Using plastic as packaging material, and the process effect can be comparable to glass bottles. However, there will be a transition in this transformation, such as the indefinite shift to the combination of glass and plastic, such as the use of glass bottles and PET in the package. , it's a gradual process of transformation."

Although the plastic packaging material market represented by this PET will rise rapidly, it is an undeniable fact that even if glass faces many difficulties in the future, driven by the fierce demand of the entire cosmetics industry, the total packaging material market will grow, and glass manufacturers' Orders are still increasing.